Saturday, May 8, 2021

Watching, Learning and Practicing!

Daily activities

Let's watch the following video: Part of your teacher's daily activities.  

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After watching the video develop the following points:

1. Write at least 5 affirmative sentences in simple present. 
Example: She usually gets up at 6 o'clock 

2. Ask 5 questions using Simple Present. Follow the structure.

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3. What is your daily routine? Write a short paragraph using different verbs, adverbs of frequency and time. 
Hello. My name is May Lays and I'm a teacher. Let me tell you about my daily activities. I usually get up at 6 o'clock on weekdays. Then, I take a shower and get dressed. I have breakfast at 7.30....

4. What could be your schedule taking into account your ideal activities? Design a schedule with the resource you want. You can use Canva (Homepage), Piktochart (Homepage), Adobespark (Homepage), etc. 

This is my example: 

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